Day 13. In a day?

I feel like I only just went to sleep when my alarm goes off at 4am.

Its an early start, but I know the day will be worth it as I get to see some of the best Mayan ruins in Mexico and beautiful waterfalls.

Our hostel boss Santiago has made us breakfast and left it in the fridge with our names and a little note, its so cute and definitely appreciated for the day thats ahead.

The bus collects me from the hostel and we begin the drive to our first destination- Agua Azul. Its 2 and a half hours before we stop for breakfast and another hour and a half before reaching Agua Azul. Everyone on my bus for the tour speaks Spanish and so does the driver so its a lot of guessing as to what hes actually saying. I understand the amount of time we have to spend and when i need to be back at the bus which is the important part.

Agua Azul is absolutely stunning, with several waterfalls and swimming areas spread around the huge forest. Its a protected area and has a lot of wildlife including toucans, though im not lucky enough to see one. With my broken spanish i manage to get someone to take a photo of me (I forgot the selfie stick) and then to my suprise im asked to be a part of their photos! I laugh to myself afterwards imagining them going back to their families and talking about their trip, showing the photos and then theres me, “look at the white girl we met!”

After the fun of the photos its back on the bus for another hour to reach Misol-Ha, another great sight. 

Theres steps that go down to the area you can swim in and you can also walk behind the waterfall. If you continue up past the fall you reach a set of caves where a man stands with a set of torches, enticing the brave! For 10 pesos (about 40p) you can go inside and explore, of course i went in! 

No one else wanted to go so i set off by myself into the dark. The caves are really small so you have to walk hunched over (yes, even midget me) and make sure you step on the make- shift path. Eventually you reach the end where the caves open out and theres a mini waterfall accross a small lagoon. Its pretty creepy being in the dark by myself and i make the mistake of pointing my torch to the ceiling-hundreds of bats line the cave and with that i make my hasty return to the entrance! 

Again its back on the road for an hour and a half and we reach the final destination, the one im most excited about- the Mayan ruins in Palenque. 

As you step off the bus its absolutely crazy- vendors everywhere calling out their menus, children trying to sell you jewellery, tour guides trying to get your business, women trying to sell you clothes. Its the first time I’ve  really seen the tourism side to Mexico, and im not a fan.

Inside the site its huge and absolutely fascinating. The ruins are in such good condition and in some places you can enter or climb. Something i learn pretty quick is that the Mayans were super fit! The steps are huge and the buildings are so high. The strength and skill it must have taken to craft the settlement amazes me. 

We get a lot of time to explore (which you need to fully appreciate it all) and while im waiting to get on the bus for the last time i cant help but feel so small. I think its easy to forget what came before us, how time has changed and everything that goes on in the world, being in this incredible places puts a lot in perspective. 

The 6ish hour journey back to San Cristobal goes quite quick and before it gets dark you can see just how varied the landscape here is. Mexico is a huuugee place and though ive only seen a small part of it ive seen how different it all is. One thing that doesnt change though is the fact that the road markings seem to just be for decoration and you can do whatever you want! 

My bus drops me somewhere in the town around 10ish and I manage to find my way back to the hostel (I felt very proud of this, no map or street signs!). 

Quick shower and its straight to bed, tomorrow im taking it easy!